Monday, April 13, 2009


HR-676 has been endorsed by 505 Union Organizations in 49 States. Endorsers include 121 Central Labor Councils and Area Labor Federations and 39 state AFL-CIO's (KY, PA, CT, OH, DE, ND, WA, SC, WY, VT, FL, WI, WV, SD, NC, MO, MN, ME, AR, MD-DC, TX, IA, AZ, TN, OR, GA, OK, KS, CO, IN, AL, CA , AK, MI, MT, NE, NY, NV & MA).

The following 20 International/National Unions have endorsed HR-676: USW, UAW, NEA, ILWU, NALC, IAM, UA (Plumbers & Pipefitters), AFM (Musicians), UE, CNA/NNOC, SMWIA, IFPTE, OPEIU, UTU, SEIU, AFT, AFSCME, CSEA (California School Employees Association), UWUA, & CWA.

Again, instead of listing them all, the link above will take you to see them listed by name.